
Easy and quick to mount. Thanks to its load transmission capability using a flange, the force transducer U3 can be installed in minutes. This makes it the ideal choice for numerous applications in production and monitoring. Another advantage is the high lateral force stability of the sensor.

SKU: 32
  1. General Details

    U3 Force Transducer: Capacities ranging from 0.5 kN to 100 kN

    The U3 load cell is based on the diaphragm principle; which means the strain gauges are mounted within the load cell housing in a well protected manner. Due to the design of the supporting membrane, the U3 force sensor guarantees an exceptionally high lateral force stability of up to 100%.

    The U3 has a bending moment adjustment, so that acting moments as well as transverse forces are largely compensated for. The robust design is combined with a double-sided flange connection. This allows the sensor to be mounted quickly (within a few minutes): this minimizes downtime in production. The accuracy exceeds the typical requirements in manufacturing applications.

    • HBM accuracy class: 0.2
    • Nominal forces: 0.5 kN to 100 kN


    • Hassle-free mounting via flange with integrated centering points
    • Can be easily connected to an electrical source
    • Optional: Adapter for connecting knuckle eyes, as well as plug-in connectors and TEDS


    • Exceptional lateral force stability thanks to special support membrane construction
    • High torsional and bending moment stability
    • Stainless steel design
    • Standard at HBM: High immunity to electromagnetic fields

    Accessories Available

    • Adapters for knuckle eyes
    • Knuckle eyes
  2. Documents