Rack & Pinion

Geometrical Tolerance of all Dimensions Defined Straightness, Parallelism and Perpendicularity Helical Angle and Pressure Angle with Tolerance Defined Surface Roughness of Teeth Defined Hardness and Thickness of the Hardened Layer on the Teeth.

SKU: 32
  1. General Details

    High Precision
    High Loading
    High Speed
    Low Noise
    Long Life-Time
    Quick Delivery

    APEX is the ONLY ONE manufacturer worldwide who produces rack strictly according to specifications regarding :

    Geometrical Tolerance of all Dimensions
    Defined Straightness, Parallelism and Perpendicularity
    Helical Angle and Pressure Angle with Tolerance
    Defined Surface Roughness of Teeth
    Defined Hardness and Thickness of the Hardened Layer on the Teeth.

    APEX is also the ONLY ONE of the world leading brands who designs and produces rack, pinion and gearbox by its own, and provides well coordinated high-quality transmission sets to fulfill different industrial requirements.

  2. Documents